This study was carried out on examine the role of church in ensuring peace and harmony in the society using selected churches in Imo state as the Case study. To carry out the study, 3 research questions were posed. The study adopted a descriptive survey design. The study was carried out in Imo state. The population of the study comprised of all the members of selected churches in Imo State. The population size of the study was 120 participants. The instrument for data collection in this study was structured questionnaire. Data collected were analyzed using frequency Table while the hypothesis were tested using Chi-square statistical tool. The major findings of the study disclosed that the role of church in ensuring peace and harmony in the society include; to aid communities honor and dignify victims, to support conscientious objectors, to provide sanctuary, to engage in prayer and action for peace, to promote justice, to promote truth, to promote reparations and to promote reconciliation. Further more, the study revealed that the dictates of the church as regards peace and harmony include; members should avoid all forms of conflicts, members should stand for the truths, members should long for justice, members should not hesitate to promote truths and members should ensure unconditional and the factors disrupting peace and harmony of the society comprise of ; individual differences, cultural differences, clash of interests and social change. Lastly the study discovered that the church plays significant role in ensuring peace and harmony in the society. Based on the findings the researcher recommends that Churches should focus more in preaching the message of peace and harmony rather than prosperity message that is the order of the day in most churches today. And Churches should also discourage violence greatly as this aids peace and harmony in the society.
Background of the Study
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Chapter One: Introduction
1.1 Background of the Study
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